Eastside Elementary and the Science of Reading https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/l0dn2u7kfjvxuuow9iskq/AJY6EpRLW-cUTo9Cw0l9jN4?e=3&fbclid=IwY2xjawH0_DZleHRuA2FlbQIxMQABHXk_2_7ZnKjdjJQk28_SpcS6qnJr2xo-TG6LRR1K7elSMyeYoen6_uSMAg_aem_-H4168HfTGPYmy9QHWQSTA&preview=Coos+Bay_Final.mov&rlkey=bcclp13043s881txr53iajw4d&st=he59hmhe&dl=0 Science of Reading Eastside Elementary Show Transcript with the Oregon early literacy framework I think what it does and what it will do to help teachers within the coup Space School District is really helped us focus on the skills that kids need to read and building upon those skills our literacy coach was like have you ever heard about this thing called the science of reading and so we started doing letters training it's just been phenomenal it's been phenomenal it's been such a change in our classrooms and so in the classroom we see do that with them segmenting so meaning like if you have the word cat they would go at and really hearing those sounds and having them blend it to make the word cat today we learned every word has a vowel we were looking into the mirror in we were saying a e i o and u so what has been nice about the framework is I'm seeing my colleagues just feeling really empowered I just love to see our students excitement they're successful and so we're starting to see our data change and that's the exciting part cuz now we're like okay our kids can do it we can they do it we can do it and it's it's it's working yeah