IPM Notice

To the Students and Parents of Coos Bay School District students:

This is to inform you of the Integrated Pest Management (IPM) law enacted on July 1, 2012 that Oregon Schools must abide by (ORS 634.700-634.750). We are required to notify staff, students, and parents anytime there is a scheduled application of an herbicide at any of our school campuses. In that notification you will find the expected application date, name of the herbicide being applied, the EPA registration number of the herbicide, and other information.  You will find our IPM plan on the Coos Bay School District web page along with a notification of any planned pesticide applications. Our web address is:  cbd9.net

For each application of an herbicide, we are also required to post in the vicinity of the application on that school campus. So, on occasion you may see signs posted informing you of an herbicide application at a school, but please be assured that we are doing everything we can to keep these applications to a minimum and only using the safest of products to achieve the expected results. There will be contact information on the application posting signs of who you can call if you ever have questions about what is going on or what products are being used.

An OSU faculty member with expertise in pesticide toxicology has reviewed all of the herbicides that we use, and they meet the requirements of a “low-impact herbicide” as defined by ORS 634.705 (5).  They never have a label category that is higher than Caution and contain no known carcinogens. You can find a copy of the approved list of herbicides at the following web page: https://4.files.edl.io/35bf/08/15/22/144119-2eb70747-442e-47ef-87cc-0fd495001087.pdf If you have any questions or concerns about these products, I encourage you to contact the National Pesticide Information Center at http://npic.orst.edu

Application date: January 18, 8AM, reentry on January 20 12PM. Location: Baseball Field adjacent to 755 S7th ST and softball field located at 1350 Teakwood. Herbicides: Aqua Neat 228-365, SpeedZone 2217-1053, Escort XP 432-1549. Application method: backpack sprayer.

If you have questions you may contact me at:  541-888-1232

Thank you,
Loma Laney
IPM Coordinator
Coos Bay School District